No. 1 Sentai Gozyuger
Overview: In the distant past, a great battle known as the "Universe War" erupted between all Super Sentai robots and a colossal "calamity." This war, later called the "Universal Great War," was brought to an end by a giant deity named Tega Sword. This transcendent being, imbued with the power of all Super Sentai, fell into slumber after sustaining injuries. Hoeru Tono, a young man drifting between part-time jobs, finds himself fired once again. Around the same time, the mysterious organization "Bladen" begins attacking Earth to awaken Tega Sword. Suddenly, Tono is enveloped in a strange space where he encounters Tega Sword. He learns that gathering special "rings" will grant him any wish. Without a specific wish in mind, Tono resolves to aim for the "Number One" and fights as Gozyu Wolf against bladen. What wish will Tono eventually discover? And who are the other ring warriors?